Urgent Information: 3/08/2020
Dear school community
If you have been to Neeta Shopping Centre, Fairfield, including Woolworths, Soul Pattinson Chemist and Fresco Juice Bar from July 23 to July 30, watch for COVID19 symptoms and if you get symptoms please immediately get tested and self-isolate. If you have a positive test please notify Fairfield High School immediately on 9727 2111 or Fairfield Intensive English Centre on 9724 6885.
Yours Sincerely C. Borg Principal
3 أغسطس- آب 2020
جالية المدرسة الأعزاء:
نرجو منكم مراقبة إذا كان لديكم أي عارض من عوارض كوفيد 19 ، في حالة زرتم سوق نيتا سيتي من تاريخ 23 - 7 - 2020 حتى
تاريخ 30 - 7 - 2020 ، ودخلتم إلى محلات من ضمنها وولوورث، صيدلية سول باتينسون، و محل عصائر فريسكو جووس بار.
الرجاء القيام بالفحص المطلوب و بحجر أنفسكم مباشرةً إذا ظهرت لديكم اي عوارض.
الرجاء الإتصال بالمدرسة مباشرةً إذا كانت نتيجة الفحص إيجابية على رقم 97272111 ، أو على رقم 97246885 و هو مركز
اللغة الإنكليزية المكثفة.
مع فائق التقدير و الإحترام
السيد بورغ- مدير المدرسة
Ngày 3 Tháng 8 2020
Thân chào tất cả Cộng Đồng nhà Trường
Nếu quý vị đã từng thăm viếng Neeta City Shopping Centre tạt Fairfield, bao gồm siêu thị Woolworths, tiệm thuốc tây Soul Pattinson và tiệm nước Fresco Juice Bar từ ngày 23 Tháng 7 đến 30 7, xin để ý về triệu chứng COVID 19 và nếu quý vị có triệu chứng xin đi kiểm tra tức thời và tự cách ly.
Nếu quý vị được xác thực đả bị lây nhiễm xin lập tức liên lạc Trường Fairfield Trung Học với số 9727 2111 hoặc Trung Tâm IEC với số 9724 6885.
Thân Chào
Hiệu Trưởng
C. Borg
Urgent Information: 19/07/2020
This information is available in English, Arabic and Vietnamese.
18 July 2020 Dear parent/guardian Please read the following important announcement from NSW Health. Important Advice from NSW Health NSW Chief Health Medical Officer, Dr Kerry Chant, on Friday said that anyone who has visited Stockland Mall in the past 14 days should be “particularly vigilant for symptoms” and seek testing. NSW Health is directing everyone who attended the Thai Rock restaurant in Stockland Mall, Wetherill Park on 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 July to immediately be tested and self-isolate for 14 days, regardless of symptoms. Anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms should also be retested, even if they have had a negative result previously. Everyone must stay in isolation for a full 14 days even if their test is negative. Please contact Fairfield High School on 9727 2111 or Fairfield Intensive English Centre on 9724 6885 if you or a member of your family receive a positive COVID-19 result. Yours Sincerely
Charles Borg Principal
General Covid-19 Information
This information is available in: Arabic, Persian, Chinese and Korean
Updated information about COVID-19 (formerly referred to Novel Coronavirus) for schools to consider using when communicating with parents & caregivers
Dear parent or caregiver,
The NSW Department of Education is working closely with the NSW Ministry of Health in response to the unfolding international COVID-19 (formerly referred to as Novel Coronavirus) situation.
Further travel restriction
Effective 1 March 2020 the Federal Government has issued a travel ban on foreigners coming to Australia from Iran. Only Australian citizens and permanent residents coming from Iran will be allowed entry to Australia, and from 1 March they are required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days after departing Iran consistent with the restrictions for those entering from China. Additionally, Australians have been advised NOT to travel to Iran.
Updated advice from the NSW Government for parents and affected staff regarding COVID -19 is:
• Any student or staff member who has been in, or transited through, mainland China (not just Hubei province) or has been in Iran is excluded from work, school or child care services for 14 days from the date they left mainland China or Iran (as the COVID-19 incubation period can be as long as two weeks).
• Any confirmed case of COVID-19 will be excluded until they are medically cleared to return.
• Close contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be excluded for 14 days since last contact with the confirmed case.
• Students and staff who have returned to Australia from mainland China or Iran more than 14 days ago and have shown no symptoms are able to return to school.
The NSW Ministry of Health has processes to identify any close contacts of cases confirmed in Australia. Advice about not attending school would be provided to these close contacts by the NSW Ministry of Health.
Consistent with current guidelines, students who are unwell with respiratory illness should remain at home until symptoms resolve. In accordance with the NSW Department of Education’s current practice, if any student becomes unwell, the school will implement infection control guidelines and follow the advice provided by the NSW Ministry of Health as appropriate.
Maintaining good hygiene standards is an important way to reduce the risk of acquiring and spreading respiratory infections. Parents and caregivers are asked to promote good hygiene, including handwashing with soap as handwashing is the single most effective way to reduce the spread of germs that cause respiratory disease.
The NSW Ministry of Health has advice and resources about COVID-19 in English and Chinese.
The NSW Department of Education will continue monitoring the COVID-19 situation and provide parents and caregivers with updated information about the virus.